Posts in Love & Relationships
How to Use the Top 5 Love Languages

The top five love languages are five different ways of expressing and receiving love: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Not everyone communicates love in the same way, and in addition, people have different ways they prefer to receive love.

Here's an overview of each of the five love languages and how they can be applied and optimized — even during a pandemic.

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How to Know You're Married to the Wrong Person

What do you do if you find signs you’re married to the wrong person? When it comes to married couples, petty fights and disagreements may seem normal and shouldn’t be an excuse to leave your partner. However, there might be times when you’re certain that you’re married to the wrong person but are unsure.

So to help you make your decisions wisely, here are 6 signs indicating you’re married to the wrong person.

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5 Ways to Overcome Even the Worst Breakups

There’s something that breaks inside you and you aren’t able to muster up the energy to trudge on through life, trying to be okay when inside you’re just falling apart.

And all you want to do is get through those emotions as quickly as possible, so you can move on and stop feeling so terrible.

You should realize that it’s going to be hard to start feeling better again and you just need time to work through all your feelings.

Following all steps in this article, you can begin the healing process today!

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7 Secret Things Women Seek in Relationships

It's not always easy to understand what the person sitting across from you wants in a relationship!

What women really want in relationships is probably not what most men can ever expect. Sure, you should always ask the woman you're dating what she wants, but let's be honest: That's always easier said than done!

So, what do women want in men? We polled a group of women and compiled their answers in the list below to help you guys out :)

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How Social Media Destroys Relationships

Social media has become so ingrained in our daily life, that it is now a potential source of tension and conflict in relationships.

Nowadays many relationships are started via social media, so it's hard to break the habits that might one day become more detrimental than helpful.

Today, when moving out of social media is so difficult, let’s have a look at some of the negative effects of social media on relationships and on our lives.

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Done With Dating

I am burned out. My last date went straight from a sound healing ceremony to a major make out session. I tried my best to set a healthy environment that did not send sexual enuendos, but I think this date may have had an agenda that was established outside of my own accord. I really want to get to know who these people are before we rush into any intimacy and I don’t get how it is so easy for people to become so vulnerable so quickly.

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